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Lady Luck in the SEO Game

Google is a king among search engine optimization.  As far as SEO goes, the power that Google holds is great.  That is why the regular changes and updates to the Google Algorithm’s can be frustrating and sometimes a stumbling block in many SEO strategies.  In a recent announcement, Google shared 40 search algorithm changes made in February 2012. 

Among the many changes and updates shared, the underlying motion behind each is targeted towards refreshing data in the Panda system currently used by Google for searches.  The goal with this is to make Panda more accurate and more sensitive to online activity. 

Some of the changes are geared towards increased related-search results, data refresh for related searches in succession, and expanded image indexing.  What do these mean for you?

•    More search results to be listed per search
•    Smarter adjustments to searches with related terms that are searched back-to-back
•    A focus on more images (keep this one in mind for new updates to your own SEO marketing campaigns and strategies!)

In a recent edition of website magazine more details and coverage on these algorithm updates is shared here.

With all of the regular updates and changes that occur month-to-month and year-to-year in the SEO game, we understand how confusing and difficult it may be to stay abreast the most recent round of changes.  Part of our job in better serving you is to make sure we stay up-to-date with these things—because you cannot be expected to!  We have dedicated professionals who study and research SEO and Google algorithm updates so you don’t have to---just contact us today to see how we can help you get a handle on your SEO strategy.