Where we share our insights about all things web design, development, and marketing.


Vimeo & YouTube

The general reaction is to go to YouTube first when looking for videos. We are all admittedly used to the Google associated video service as being the dominant place to find and upload user-generated videos. However, if you take some time to look around, you might find that there are other substantial video sites, such as Vimeo, that may compete with YouTube as the prime location for your business videos.

The two video sites have differing regulations for content uploaded to the site. Vimeo will not allow commercial videos, gaming videos, pornography, or any non user-generated videos. YouTube, on the other hand, is more lenient. Both sites will delete any videos they deem inappropriate, but with a smaller, more selective collection of videos, Vimeo may have the advantage here.

Video Quality
Vimeo is known for higher quality video than YouTube, and might have the highest quality video on the internet. So if you are trying to use videos for viral marketing and want to convey a message, quality may be important to you.

Video Uploads
While you can upload almost any video file to either service, they differ in the length and file size of the videos. For YouTube, you can only have a maximum length of 10 minutes and file size of 2GB. With Vimeo, there is no length maximum, but the file size can only reach 1GB.

Video Views
YouTube wins this battle. There are over 1 billion video views on YouTube daily, which means your video could reach a lot of people. YouTube may have the number advantage, but Vimeo has a more refined selection of videos. Depending on the content and purpose of your video, Vimeo may benefit you in the long run. Your video will be among more professional, higher quality videos, and there is the potential for higher-quality comments and interaction by viewers as a result. In addition, videos on Vimeo are downloadable, so viewers can save your video and watch it later.

If you are contemplating where to post your company’s videos, consider these things before making your move. Think about the type of video, and the goal and purpose of the video. In the end, you may decide to post it on both networks.


How to Write Awesome Website Content

Here are some simple steps you can follow to write awesome website content for your site.

1.    Write for your audience

It is important to determine who your audience and target market is before sitting down to write the content for your website. You need to know whom are you trying to reach and how you think it is best to reach them.

2.    Write useful and interesting content

You don’t want to bore your potential customers or clients with dull content on your website. It is important to make sure your content is pertinent and useful for what your website visitors will be looking for, but it is also important to make it interesting to read. Website content is like any other advertising message – you don’t have very long to catch the readers’ attention. You want them to be able to get what they need from the content while keeping them entertained by what you are saying.  You are selling your business through your words, so choose them wisely. Ask yourself if you would want to read what you wrote and put yourself in the clients shoes.

3.    Short and sweet

The first paragraph of any article is critical. You will either catch your reader’s attention or you won’t. In general, people comprehend and remember shorter messages that include bullet points and main headings for sections. Keep this in mind when writing your content and break it up in to sections if possible. Make sure you can deliver your information without dragging it out.

4.    Use SEO

Search Engine Optimization is important to remember when writing the content for your website. You don’t have to put hours of research into it to make your site more SEO friendly. Make a list of a few keywords you would like to rank for in search engines and include those in your text. Your keywords should be words that people actually search for so that your site will show up in search results. You also want to include links in your content to other pages on your site using keywords as your link text. This serves two purposes: it is good SEO, and it is more user friendly. We can help you develop your SEO plan further for your site, but it is important to include basic SEO principles when writing your content yourself.

5.    Structure and flow

You want to have a focus for your content and an overall flow to the text between pages. Make sure that your message remains clear throughout your site. What are you trying to accomplish with your website content? Do you want your visitors to act on something? Are you trying to inform them about a certain product, service, or event? You need an overall marketing message that you can carry throughout your site to keep your content organized and well thought out.


Lady Luck in the SEO Game

Google is a king among search engine optimization.  As far as SEO goes, the power that Google holds is great.  That is why the regular changes and updates to the Google Algorithm’s can be frustrating and sometimes a stumbling block in many SEO strategies.  In a recent announcement, Google shared 40 search algorithm changes made in February 2012. 

Among the many changes and updates shared, the underlying motion behind each is targeted towards refreshing data in the Panda system currently used by Google for searches.  The goal with this is to make Panda more accurate and more sensitive to online activity. 

Some of the changes are geared towards increased related-search results, data refresh for related searches in succession, and expanded image indexing.  What do these mean for you?

•    More search results to be listed per search
•    Smarter adjustments to searches with related terms that are searched back-to-back
•    A focus on more images (keep this one in mind for new updates to your own SEO marketing campaigns and strategies!)

In a recent edition of website magazine more details and coverage on these algorithm updates is shared here.

With all of the regular updates and changes that occur month-to-month and year-to-year in the SEO game, we understand how confusing and difficult it may be to stay abreast the most recent round of changes.  Part of our job in better serving you is to make sure we stay up-to-date with these things—because you cannot be expected to!  We have dedicated professionals who study and research SEO and Google algorithm updates so you don’t have to---just contact us today to see how we can help you get a handle on your SEO strategy.



Google+ for Business

Among all the trends in the world of social media, the newest, and quickest growing, is Google+ for businesses. So, why should your company worry with setting up a Google+ Business page?  Isn’t it just one of many on the ever-growing list of social outlets?  Yes, it is—but it’s different, and is set apart from the others.

Unlike other social outlets, Google+, in its new-born state for business usage, is taking a very innovative perspective that other similar setups have not.  Google+ is interactive in seeking out suggestions and requests for features and functionality from users.  And here’s the kicker—these requests and suggestions are not only being listened to, but acted upon, by Google!  The ability to offer feedback, to help drive this outlet towards what works best and easiest by users is  not the usual take for social media options.  This is really just the icing on the cake, though.  Google+ has much more to offer businesses than just curiosity at what they want.

Google+ offers organized interaction.  Business pages can create circles for specific consumer demographics, target groups, and contacts.  What is the true impact of this?  Well, you can stream, create hangouts, and run specials to your organized and specialized groups, on your terms.  You have the ability to appeal specifically to your target market of contacts in circle A, and then stream an entirely different promo to the group in circle B.  The ability to target specific groups, with business information and appeals specifically created for them, adds a depth to this outlet that is lacking from the others.

Additionally, Google+ features sharing options by means of the +1 button, which can be on any website, regardless of participation in Google+; but proves most beneficial to those with a Business + account.  The more people who +1 your streams, images, information, etc., the more others in other circles see your business’ impact.  This relates to word-of-mouth spreading, much like Facebook “likes”, but that is visible in search engine results.

Like other social outlets, there is a Google+ “badge” that can be added to your website icons to connect viewers directly to your Business+ page.  While this newest option in the world of social media is similar to the other selections, each does carry with it very distinctive benefits and perks that the competition does not offer.  Until you give them a try, you never know which will fulfill your business needs best.  Happy and loyal consumers are those that have businesses catering to them, interacting with them, and connecting with them in a fun, friendly, and consistent manner.